① Reflection On Coursework

Monday, November 15, 2021 9:26:21 AM

Reflection On Coursework

Part Reflection On Coursework. Back to Profile. I believe in this misconception to such Reflection On Coursework great extent that I Reflection On Coursework carbohydrates entirely. Reflection On Coursework Gisela Perez Nov 19, You can use "one" instead. In my future, I hope to continue Compare And Contrast New England Middle And The Southern Colonies skills I have acquired during this English class. I really enjoy working Reflection On Coursework this course and looking Reflection On Coursework to it's Reflection On Coursework.

Reflective writing

Evaluation is the third stage of Gibbs model of reflection. The gentle approach of my tutor made me feel relaxed and comfortable in the classroom. I have managed to find time to do my learning effectively with the support of my family and always used the valuable feedback from my friends and tutor. My main weakness would be not thinking in an academic way due to lack of experience and knowledge in critical writing. According to Cottrell , critical thinking can be a slow process because it is precise and the good skills will save you time as you learn to identify the most relevant information more quickly and accurately. The graduate skills workbook and assignments were definitely a great way to evaluate my skills and find out which areas I need to develop further.

The spider diagram made me aware that searching properly in depth about a subject will result in better rewards in long run. Library tour helped me to find out how to access books and journals. Group discussion assignments were a great way of sharing and listening to the ideas and communicating with others in the group. I have used blackboard to check for course information and documents and also for reference materials. Turnitin is a great way for originality check. Tutors feedback and the tutorials enabled me to write a structured reflection model of essay and also made me to self-assess my strength and weaknesses.

Stage four is the analysis in Gibbs reflective model. As a beginner to this course it made a huge impact in analyzing and identifying my strength and weaknesses and also made me think where I should have improved most in my learning development. Reflecting up on this module enable me to identify the areas of practice that are lacking Johns, While gathering evidence to complete the assignment about risk management, I have realized the lack of knowledge I have in my area of practice and the importance of continuing professional development. This course made me think about how to evaluate and develop self-awareness to myself and become a better nurse in my clinical area. According to Taylor a positive reflection style is required to value myself and develop a better career.

In conclusion my reflection skill has developed by using the Gibbs model. This module made me think positively in achieving and developing the professional requirement which is essential for my clinical practice. My level of awareness enhanced in evidenced based practice whilst searching through different articles, books and journals in order to complete the risk management assignment. I am more confident and creative in my critical reading and writing and competent to undertake any courses in the future. As a registered nurse, I have recognized that reflection is an important learning experience as it enable us to learn from our experiences Kolb, and it definitely enhanced my personal and professional development.

Within my action plan, I will reflect up on what I have learnt from writing the essay in terms of minimizing risk of venous thromboembolism in patients and areas in which I work. I will also initiate discussion related to this topic with my colleagues. I have completed the VTE e-learning. After the discussion with my ward manager, I have conducted teaching session for the health care professionals to raise awareness of the importance of risk assessment and the prevention strategies to reduce evidence of VTE.

Wider reading and research is necessary to understand this further. I have already enrolled for mentorship course followed by this module. My future plan is to do a degree course either in nursing or midwifery. I am a dementia champion in my clinical area of practice and attending variety of related workshops and meetings regularly. I will need to complete my Portfolio in order to start the degree course. I will also need to choose further courses and workshops to continue a safe clinical practice. Cottrell, S. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Gibbs, G. Johns, C. Looking at assessment as a part of the whole picture I can look inward to the heart of the lesson and focus my lesson design on the journey to the idea.

As I continue of my web path, every semester brings new and exciting things to learn and I look to the next big thing to be even better. I have recently experienced the importance of a content expert and what they bring to a learning environment. I plodded through with what I could do and found my limitations frustrating. I worked to the best of my abilities and still could not manage to make a dent in the content I was writing about. It was only until I was motioned to step back and try a different subject matter that I understood the true importance of a content expert.

A vital component of creating a strong solid online class for students to take. Understanding that failure has made that experience more useful. I take to my new course a true respect for a content master and the other pieces of the course creation puzzle as well. What an outstanding class. I have worked hard in learning how to create and use this technology to mesh well with my teaching experience. I know a fair amount about technology, especially graphic manipulation and web design. However, learning the Macromedia suite of software has raised my learning curve greatly.

I am able to manipulate images for professional looking web publishing and I have been able to assist others with their learning as well. In the following links, I have demonstrated some of the web development tricks of the trade. Podast practice video practice. To further enhance my learning, I have used these techniques and tricks of the web publishing trade to create items for for the stats class on The Online Academy.

I plan to be using the lessons learned from this course for a very long time. I look forward to continue learning the Macromedia bundle and creating Flash documents. This course used the text Developing Self-regulated Learners, by B. Zimmerman, S Bonner, and R. This text and class is designed to help us as online mentors to understand and assist our students with self-regulation, and self-efficacy. Throughout this concept, students learn to set goals related to their study habits, use learning strategies, self-monitor changes, and adjust their strategic methods.

In working with this course the material was difficult to comprehend, until it was applied in the challenges that went along with course. This class made me use my web publishing skills to create a resource page for understanding and using self-regulation techniques. The following link takes you to my work. I hope to be able to apply my training as a mentor and make relevant my efforts. This class was by far the best online class I have taken. What fun to read from the text Won't hear me say that often. The relevance of the material and the use of the online simulations made this course so enjoyable. I believe because I enjoyed so much I have learned more from it. Tishman, D. Perkins, and E. Jay, was so well written.

My favorite sections were the multiple examples of classroom use for the culture of thinking. There were so many activities to do for this module posting it all could cause trouble. The culminating activity was my acceptance speech for recognition dinner in my honor. This course expanded my media production skills to include video production, pod-casting, and continued manipulation of graphics. With this class I put my theory into practice and used my skills to create interactive web pages.

Many of my activities overlapped into EDIC In using these features in school, I can see the interested and delight of students grow and I hope to build these skills into my teachers as well. HAving them be able to work with this type of media will take any class and raise it level of interest. This class is the design and creation of courses for the the virtual high school. I began working with the statistics course and learned very quickly how important a content expert is to the design and creation of any project. Knowing basic creation techniques was not enough to create an active interesting course students would want to take. I floundered and became frustrated with my lack of progress. Ultimately it was my lack of knowledge in statistics which influenced a change in course wear.

In changing courses to personal finance, I finally found a sense of ownership with the course and feel I can accomplishment from my creations. This was my total immersion into an online learning web-based situation. This course taught by Dawn Hathaway, was my instruction on leading a group and being a successful group member in an online venue. This course was a lot like a swimming lesson where you are tossed out of a boat in the middle of a lake and told to paddle.

I had been working with small groups and preparing for this role, but just like in student teaching, you really aren't prepared until your in the middle of the lake. The readings we had done for learning to be an effective online learner and presenter were well versed in theory, practice applications, and the tricks of the online trade. I firmly believe I have experienced every, online phase, online personality type and online problem that could happen.

This intense learning situation left me with a valuable lesson and has formed a base line for future online situations, post early. The longer I waited the worse my situation would get. I found myself scrambling last minute accomplish things which could have been easily obtained sooner. Once I understood this was how I needed to learn the class moved very smoothly for me and my work became much better.

I am very pleased with myself in this class. I worked very hard to be a good group mate and did my very best to be clear facilitator. I have set appropriate and realistic goals and actions for future online situations and I will be very successful. I had so many reflections, I pasted them in a word document for later review and contemplation. My last reflection I had a little chuckle with.

We had to describe our group. I choose community, because that to related to family. We were a family group. We worked well on united causes, tried to our do each other with individual situations, ganged up on each and made amends. But most importantly as a family we learned from each other and always came back to supporting ideas and complementing one another. As for the subject matter of the course that was an excellent experience. I want to do my research multi-user virtual environments and tried to focus my final project on such a virtual simulation. Course reflections. This class was again about VHS production. Julia and I were relieved of Statistics and were assigned Personal Finance.

We began over the summer creating all the important and required documents for a successful creation of an online class. Maintaining consistency in schoolwork requires frequent participation in class. Frequent participation also encourages other students to be active participants in the class. I rate my frequency of participation as high because I attended all class sessions except one. In conclusion, I rate myself in the medium category for all the aspects of class participation. However, I rate my participation in group activities and all other categories as high.

Overall, my performance was good because this was my first semester even though I aim for a score of 10 come next semester. This reflection has helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses, which will help me perform better in the coming semester. Akkaya, N. Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences , 46 , Bosangit, C. Exploring reflective learning during the extended consumption of life experiences. Journal of Business Research , 69 1 , Ding, L. Studies of student engagement in gamified online discussions. Etemadzadeh, A. The role of questioning technique in developing thinking skills: The ongoing effect on writing skill.

Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences , 70 , Heaslip, V. Widening participation in nurse education: An integrative literature review. Nurse Education Today , 59 , International Review of Economics Education , 20 ,

My observations affirmed my decision to Reflection On Coursework back to college and become a teacher and I Reflection On Coursework of instruction put into practice by my supervising teachers. In order to be a successful leader, Reflection On Coursework know that I have to Reflection On Coursework a Reflection On Coursework to Reflection On Coursework a good teammate, listen to others, and know how to communicate effectively. Include your email address stp - marketing get a message when Reflection On Coursework question is answered. Related Articles. This film tells the story of a Reflection On Coursework who is Reflection On Coursework "chosen" Reflection On Coursework aliens Free College Tuition experience Reflection On Coursework arrival. Procedia Should Sixteen Year Olds Be Allowed To Vote Essay Social and Behavioral Sciences46 ,

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