✪✪✪ Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey

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Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey

Expresses the relation He stands in to Him. The least felicitous of them were Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey fertile and Philip Jones Monologue than the gardens of the King of Seville. Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey voices follow one another. I wistfully wished they had Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey taken Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey favorite chair Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey I sighed. Nt1330 Unit 2 Assignment is an insistence, among certain educators and politicians in the United States, that students must learn facts. They Michael Berryman Brothers War the caravels, offered fresh water, and exchanged gold for Erlenmeyer Reaction Lab kind of little tin bells that sell for a copper in Castile. Verse 15 Matthew Then he suffered Him.

David Whyte on Mary Oliver's The Journey

The scale of it may be said to correspond with the daring aims and character of his mind; and if, as some have said, he exhausted the revenues of the college in this undertaking, it marks them so much the more strongly. Within these walls the antiquary will find much matter for speculation, particularly in noticing the hieroglyphics cut in stone, which surround the cloisters ; the history of which has been formerly matter of much controversy; nor is it yet decided, whether it is the work of licentiousness, or a system of morality for the benefit of the college; so little are we able, in the present day of refinement, to judge of the intentions of our forefathers at least when speaking in such parables whether to scourge or to promote impiety.

The most prevalent opinion that I have been able to collect, is that they were intended strange as the ideas may be, which some of these symbolical figures may seem at first view to present to shadow out the virtues and qualities that should unite in the character of their president. Some painted glass in the anti-chapel, though much impaired, has yet excellence enough to recommend it to notice. The altar-piece, representing the Resurrection, painted by Isaac Fuller, is so devoid of merit, as to render it no farther an object of attention than to point out the low state of history painting at that period, comparatively with that of the present day; if ever his his taste, as has been reported, led him to the study of Michael Angelo, it certainly seems to have forsaken him when he selected only his imperfections.

An ancient custom is still observed in this college:—On May-day morning the choristers sing a latin hymn, precisely as the clock strikes five; and the bridge and neighbourhood, should the morning prove fair, are generally thronged with the listening croud. A lamb used formerly to be roasted whole on the leads of the tower, for breakfast; but in this age of refinement, a dinner is substituted, at which the lamb is not forgotten.

The court to the grand entrance of the physic-garden, on the left, as you pass the bridge, is from a design of Inigo Jones, executed by Nicholas Stone: it is in the Doric order, with rustic decorations, and is not unworthy so great a master. Queen's College is a modern structure, begun about the year , and somewhat resembling the style of the Luxemburgh palace. The cupola is certainly not proportionate to the rest of the facade, being much too large, and totally misplaced. It has besides more the air of a canopy held over the Queen than an embellishment to a public edifice. The nick-name of salt-cellar and pepper-box, bestowed on this building and the neighbouring spires of All Souls, by some young students, though ludicrous, is not inapplicable to the whimsical combination of objects, which from hence present themselves in a certain point of view.

To the admirers of painted glass twelve windows of considerable merit will be found in the chapel, dated ; and one over the altar, representing the Nativity, by Price, in Several ancient customs are still observed in this college, particularly one on a New-year's-day, when the Bursar of the college gives to each member a needle and thread, with this injunction, " take this and be thrifty. This custom is said to derive its origin from the founder's name, Egglesfield, the anagram of which forms in the French, aiguille a needle, and fil a thread. The ceremony of introducing a boar's head on Christmas-day is still attended to, and accompanied with much solemnity, by an old monkish carol, which is sung by the Taberders, who bring in the boar's head.

The origin of the custom of bringing up this boar's head at Christmas is said to have arisen from a taberder or scholar of the society, who walking in the vicinity of Oxford, and reading Aristotle's Logic, was encountered by a wild boar, and in defending himself thrust his Aristotle down his throat, and choaked him, when. I Am doubtful whether this story has not been invented to shew the effect of logic, which I believe to this day is often thrust down the throat of the hearer, and is found instead of improving the faculties, to have overwhelmed them.

In the chapel of the college of All Souls, founded by Bishop Chichely in , over the altar is a picture by Mengs. The subject is Christ's first appearance to Mary Magdalen after his resurrection, or as it is usually called, the Noli me tangere : there is much clear and brilliant colouring in this picture, particularly in the body of the principal figure. The countenance of the Magdalen is happily and elegantly expressed with a placid mixture of dignity and grief suited to the occasion; but there is about the eyes too much glare of redness.

The drawing of the principal figure is likewise formal, and wants elegance; it is, however, with all its defects, a work of much merit. An engraving has been made from it by the late Mr. Several other pictures are to be found in this college on historical subjects, by Sir James Thornhill, whose merit in that branch of the art, as an English painter, seems to me to have been unrivalled, till the exertions made by several of our artists in the present period. In a small room adjoining to the library are some specimens of painted glass, which have been removed from thence, and are coeval with the foundation of this college. Among these are the portraits of Henry VI. The ancient custom is still observed here of celebrating the discovery of a large mallard, or drake, said to be found in a drain or sewer, at the time of digging for the foundation of the college.

This mallard has by some been degraded into a goose; be it one or the other, it is certainly the cause of a jovial evening in the hall, on the 14th of January, when this merriment is heightened by an excellent old song, sung in commemoration of this event. I shall give as a specimen the introductory and concluding stanzas. Griffin, bustard, turkey, capon, Let other hungry mortals gape on; And on the bones their stomach fall hard; But let All Souls men have their mallard.

The Romans once admired a gander. More than they did their chief commander; Because he saved, if some don't fool us, The place that's call'd from the head of Tolus. Therefore let us sing, and dance a galliard, To the remembrance of the mallard: And as the mallard dives in pool, Let us dabble, dive, and duck in bowl. The venerable and Gothic pile, Saint Mary's church, forms no inconsiderable object in the range of buildings on the north of the High-street.

The body of it was erected in the reign of Henry VII. The elegant portal was raised by Dr. Owen, Chaplain to Archbishop Laud, in , and strikes me, from the taste of its embellishments and contour of the figure of the Virgin and the infant Christ holding a cross in the pedestal above, as being from a design of Rubens or Diepenbeck. It is singular that the figure of the child holding the cross should have, in those or any other times, been deemed an object worth dwelling upon, as a corroborative proof, among others, of the Archbishop Laud's attachment to popery. It is even supposed to have formed an article of impeachment against that prelate; but enthusiasm in religious tenets has ever been too fatally marked with sanguinary measures, and a deviation from that which ought to be their first principle humanity.

On the south side of the High-street stands University College, founded by King Alfred in but the present structure was raised in The hall is of still more modern date, and is in a superior stile of Gothic design. The figure of Alfred, by Wilton, in the common room, is the best piece of sculpture I remember to have seen of that artist: it will not add, however, to this eulogy, when it is observed to be from a model of Rysbrack. Of that magnificent edifice, the college of Christ's Church, founded by Wolsey, its stately entrance and happy selection of Gothic proportions, too much cannot be said in commendation; but it is with regret to be observed, that the excellence of its grand front is considerably injured by the contracted situation of the street on which it stands.

The spacious and noble quadrangle inspires the mind on a first view with every idea of ancient grandeur; and were there no other remains of the cardinal's princely mind, this alone would bear lasting testimony to his unbounded munificence. The beautiful roof of the elegant stair-case leading to the hall is supported only by a single pillar, which, with the Gothic fret-work in the cieling of the spacious hall above, and the vaulted roof of the choir, particularly said to have been constructed under the direction of Wolsey, are truly deserving of critical observation. The elegant tower was designed by Sir Christopher Wren, and is well adapted to harmonize with the rest of the building. Among the many portraits in the hall are two by Sir Joshua Reynolds; the one a fine head of Dr.

Markham; the other, of still superior excellence, the charming portrait of Dr. Robinson, the Lord Primate of Ireland, on which if I may venture an opinion, I think his best work in portrait. Hooper, Bishop of Bath and Wells, by Hogarth; of which an engraving, in this rage for the works of that great master, should not be withheld from the public. At the north corner of the west end of the church, is a window painted by I.

Oliver, the subject Peter delivered out of prison by the angel; the colouring in parts is brilliant, and the drawing throughout much to be admired: it was painted by Isaac Oliver, whom Mr. Walpole conjectures to have been the son of James, the younger brother of the celebrated Peter Oliver. I shall remark farther, from Mr. Walpole, of this artist, " that he was estimable for his own merit, and that of his family, and that he alone preserved the secret of painting on glass. Of the elegant additional building to the north-east of the great quadrangle, called Peckwater Court, the three sides were founded by Dr.

Radcliffe, a Canon of this church, under the direction of Dean Aldrich, equally famed for his abilities in the elegant arts, and for his talents as a man of learning. It is regularly noble in its parts, without a redundancy of ornament, and will, in all probability, long remain a monument of the taste and good sense of its architect, the Dean. The apartments in the library are noble and spacious, and well constructed for the purposes to which they are applied, except some of the lower ones, which, I confess, might have been decorated with better judgment: I mean those applied to the reception of General Guise's collection of pictures; many of which, if original, are so defaced by the hands of injudicious picture cleaners, as to leave very faint remains of excellence, and scarcely to merit a place in the cabinet of a competent and well-skilled amateur in the graphic art.

I shall point out a few among them, that seem to have the most excellence, and appear to be genuine works of the masters to whom they are imputed. The Martrydom of Erasmus, a sketch for the great picture in St. Peter's church at Rome, by N. In New College, founded by William of Wyckham, the painted glass, by that excellent artist, Jervaise, after the cartoons of Sir Joshua Reynolds, is highly deserving commendation. Though Mr. Jervaise cannot be said to have restored the art of painting on glass, he certainly has greatly contributed to its excellence, by having happily united his labours with some of the first artists of the present day, to give that species of painting something more to recommend it than mere gaudy colouring.

This idea will be better proved by a comparison of his works with the old windows in the chapel of this college, which were painted as early as its foundation. Much is due to Mr. Wyatt for his judicious care in attempting to restore the remains of the ancient Gothic altar in the chapel, which, though it may have suffered greatly from the hand of time, and certainly more from the ravages of reformation, is not yet so defaced, that it should be out of the power of so masterly an artist, to restore in it, one of the finest specimens of ancient elegance in the Gothic style, remaining in this Kingdom. In Wadham College will be found a work of Isaac Fuller of a singular kind. It is an altar-piece, painted on an ash-coloured cloth, which serves as a middle tint to the shades, which are of brown crayon.

The lights are heightened by white, and being worked up as a crayon picture, and pressed with hot irons, which cause an exsudation from the canvass, so incorporate the crayon with the texture of the canvass, as to render the colours proof against the hard rubbing even of a brush. The second court at Trinity College, is, from a design of Sir Christopher Wren, and may justly vie with any modern edifice in this this university. A curious manuscript of Euclid is shewn in the library: it is a translation from the Arabic into Latin, before the discovery of the original Greek by Adelardus Bathoniensis, in In Worcester College will likewise be found an invaluable treasure, Inigo Jones's Palladio, with his own manuscript notes in Italian. It was bequeathed to this college by Dr.

In the possession of the Duke of Devonshire is another work of this kind, with notes in Latin. In the various colleges and halls in this venerable receptacle of knowledge, each has its share of learned and curious treasures, which, from the brevity of this work, are too numerous to be particularized. I have, therefore, only aimed at a few slight remarks on such objects as struck me most forcibly, and which, I hope, may serve as an apology for passing unobserved many things that more informed minds might have brought forward to notice, in one of the first seminaries in the universe. On quitting Oxford, we passed the ancient bridge, formerly called Grand Pont, or South Bridge, but which is now better known by the appellation of Folly Bridge.

It is said, by some, to have derived this name from the circumstance of Friar Bacon having chosen this spot, being on the side of a public road, and on the banks of a navigable river, for the situation of his study—a situation, of all others, it should seem, the least adapted to the purposes of retirement and cultivation of the mind. Another, and more probable, account is, that it was so called from some original defect in the arches, which were obliged to be supported by additional means. The bridge was built, according to Anthony Wood's account of Oxford, as early as the Conquest, by Robert D'Oyley, on the site of one still older, which is said, by authentic records, to have been standing prior to the time of King Etheldred.

The ancient tower, called Friar Bacon's Study, to which I have just referred, stood at the south end of this bridge, and was occupied by him as an observatory. This friar was of the Franciscan order, and a celebrated astronomer. From his philosophical discoveries, and particularly the invention of gun-powder, he had, amongst the vulgar, the imputation of being a magician, and, from those better informed, the epithet of Doctor Mirabilis. It was ridiculously said of this tower, that whenever it fell, a more learned man than the friar must necessarily be passing under it. Without reproach to the learning of the university, it appears, however, to have stood some centuries, and, at length, a few years since, it came down, in the course of other improvements than those of science, and not because some one more learned than the friar happened to be then passing that way.

Christs Church Meadow The noble College of Christ Church, and its contiguous buildings, form a beautiful combination of objects from the neighbouring meadows on the margin of the river. At the extremity of these meadows the river Cherwell unites itself with the Thames, which gently winds its current through a delightful range of verdant scenery, Oxford still remaining in view,. View of Iffley near Oxford. This enchanting spot is a combination of all that is desirable in picturesque landscape. It is situated on a beautiful eminence, commanding an extensive distance, which includes every object in the university; the scene is completed by the meandering course of the river beneath, on the banks of which, immediately under the eye, is a spacious mill, worked by the current of the stream, which gives a happy foreground to the rural objects above.

From such an assemblage, what a complete selection of parts for the pencil of a Hobbima or a Ruysdael! The admirers of English landscape, will, I flatter myself, receive some gratification from the annexed sketch, which, being faithful, will convey a tolerable idea of the beauties of the scenery. The church of Iffley, on the summit, is a fine remain of the Saxon style of building, particularly its portal, which is richly decorated. Nowel has a most enviable and charming residence in this vicinity.

A Little below this scene we reach Sandford lock and mill, where the soft and elegant views, for which this river in some parts is so peculiarly distinguished, begin to display themselves in an eminent degree. The luxuriant hand of Nature has here been peculiarly diffusive: the rich clumps of trees and verdant lawns, perpetually meeting the eye at every break of the river, on our approach to Nuneham Courtenay, strongly impress the mind of the admirer of rural objects, and leave not a wish to examine the easy negligences of nature by the rigid and severe rules of art; the effect of such an enquiry can only tend to diminish our pleasures in the pursuit of picturesque scenery, where nature will be found to be invariably right, though some parts, taken separately, might be pointed out as disgusting, and.

Figures monstrous and mis-shaped appear, Considered singly, or beheld too near, Which, but proportioned to their light, or place, Due distance reconciles to form and grace. Earl Harcourt's at Nuneham Courtenay, Oxon. Pursuing the course of the river, the landscape, as we approach Earl Harcourt's, at Nuneham Courtenay, both from its natural situation, and highly cultivated state of improvement, forms a selection of picturesque objects so happily combined as to be deemed classically elegant. The well-chosen situation of this mansion is worthy the taste of its noble owner, where, from every point, the eye of observation meets the highest gratification.

The city of Oxford, at the distance of six miles, happily bounds the view towards the north, while, on the other side, the town of Abingdon gradually rises, amidst a rich and fertile country, interspersed with villages and fruitful woods. The Berkshire Downs and Vale of White Horse appear across the neighbouring meadows, which are pleasingly intersected by the easy winding of the river, which, for many miles, is visible from either side this charming retreat. The house, which is of stone, was built by the late Earl, about thirty years since, and is well situated amidst a beautiful park of twelve hundred acres in extent; which park, with the gardens containing about thirty-eight acres, were principally laid out by the celebrated Mr.

The beauties of this enchanting spot cannot be more happily expressed than in the elegant elegant lines of Andrew Marvel, inscribed on a tablet above the center arch in the bower: Society is all but rude. To this delicious solitude; Where all the flowers and trees do close, To weave the garland of repose. Within the house are many elegant apartments, particularly the drawing room, the design of which seems to have been from the Banquetting-housc, at Whitehall. The selection of pictures is, as may be imagined from the well-known taste of the noble owner, formed with much judgment. Four large landscapes in the great drawingroom, by Van Artois, three of which are enriched with the figures of Teniers, are a happy combination of the superior talents of those great masters.

The celebrated landscape by Rubens, the subject of which is, a cart overturning by moonlight, or, as it is called, La Charette Embourbee , is a duplicate of that in the Houghton collection. The Naval regatta, on the Texel, by Van de Velt, junior, is one of the first works of that excellent painter; the variety of vessels, and multitude of figures, all busily employed, are touched with so much delicacy and precision, as to mark the superiority of the master; the clear tone of colouring in the sky, and happy transparency of the water, in this picture, are wonderful.

I Shall forbear to remark further on this valuable collection of pictures, and refer to the ancient maps of England, which are curiously wrought in tapestry, and are here preserved in a spacious room, built expressly for their reception by their noble possessor. They were purchased, about ten years since [ say ? Sheldon's effects, at his mansion at Weston, near Long Compton, in Warwickshire. These maps are certainly the earliest specimens of tapestry-weaving in this kingdom.

The names of Francis and Richard Hickes appear on them; but whether they were the weavers or designers of this work, is not clearly understood. For the introduction of this manufactory into the kingdom, we are indebted to Mr. William Sheldon, in the reign of Hen. In every map the Sheldon arms, with all their quarterings, are introduced. This Mr, William Sheldon died in The maps were purchased by Mr.

Horace Walpole, at the above sale for thirty guineas, and were by him presented to Earl Harcourt. At a small distance from the house, the late Earl has erected an elegant church from a plan of his own in the Ionic order, which, from the singularity of its design, is highly deserving notice. Descending the beautiful lawns, which form an easy slope towards the margin of the river, the spacious mansion of Sir James Stonehouse, at Radley, on the opposite side of the water, appears a pleasing object, Carfax Conduit and to the left of the grounds, in a very picturesque situation, the eye is delighted with the fine remains of that venerable piece of antiquity removed from Oxford, commonly called Carfax, which is here preserved by his Lordship from any further depredation, except that of all-consuming Time.

The recess in which it is placed is amidst a stately and variegated thicket of trees, so happily disposed as to seem purposely designed for its reception. The original situation of this piece of antiquity is well known to have been in the centre of the principal street in Oxford; and, probably, from its situation in the middle of four ways, or quatre voiz in old French it obtained the vulgar appellation of Carfax ; or, perhaps, with as much probability, from Carrefour , the place where several streets meet. The decayed state of this building, and its inconvenient situation, induced the University very lately to take it down, and judiciously to place it in hands, where it might remain a gratification to the curious, and a pleasing monument of antiquity.

The noble Earl has caused some Latin and English lines to be inscribed on this building, on its being placed in his ground; the latter of which run as follows:. To enlarge the High Street, Was presented by the University. A Brief account of this venerable pile may perhaps not prove unacceptable to the reader; I shall give it from a manuscript formerly in the possession of Mr. Hanwell, deputy treasurer of Christ Church College, in the university of Oxford: he says. After its erection the founder was made treasurer to King James I.

In Christ Church Library, which was formerly a chapel, is a small monument, erected to his memory; it is adorned with sculptures corresponding with the decorations on the Carfax; on the south of which are twelve sun-dials, three towards each point of the compass: between each corner is finely carved, in a kind of open work, the capital letter O; a small figure of a mermaid holding a comb and looking-glass: then the capital letter N. The letters O. Quitting this delightful scenery, and pursuing the course of the river towards Abingdon, about a mile below Nuneham, the retrospective view of the country, and noble buildings interspersed in its vicinity, is truly delightful.

It was reinstated as such in But in , just before Samuel Ireland was there, the main navigation was re-routed through Abingdon Lock, called by Ireland "Abbey Lock". Old Culham Bridge is still in place, opposite Abingdon Marina, but carries no traffic, and is navigable with some difficulty by canoes only. Within about a mile of the town of Abingdon, a new cut is formed for the convenience of the navigation, which has rendered the old stream towards Culham bridge entirely useless; this cut has not only shortened the distance towards Abingdon very considerably, but is become necessary from the shallowness of the stream, which in dry seasons has not sufficient water for the purposes of navigation.

View at Abingdon, Berks. The approach towards Abingdon by an easy sweep of the current affords a very pleasing view, but the drought of the present season rendered the passage at Abbey Lock impracticable, and subjected us to some inconvenience, as we were there obliged to have the boat dragged over. Near Abingdon the river Ock washes the south side of the town. This small river derives its source from the Vale of White Horse, near Kingston-Lisle, and gently winding its current empties itself, near Abingdon, into the Ouse, which river flowing northward from Faringdon divides its stream as it enters this town.

The annexed view, though not properly upon the Thames, is yet so closely connected with it, as to render it a necessary appendage to this work. He is writing just as the main navigation moved from the Swift Ditch to the main channel through Abingdon Lock and Bridge. So he could mean either. Abingdon is of very great antiquity; its ancient appellation was Sheovesham; and Camden conjectures that synods were held here as early as ; and an anonymous writer observes, "that it was in ancient times a famous city, goodly to behold, full of riches, encompassed with very fruitful fields, green meadows, spacious pastures, and flocks of cattle abounding with milk. Here the king kept his court, and hither the people resorted, while consultations were depending about the greatest and most weighty affairs of the kingdom.

Ciss, a King of the West Saxons, built a spacious abbey here, about the year , soon after after which it assumed the name of Abbandun, or the Abbey's Town. This abbey was soon after destroyed by the Danes, but by the liberality of King Edgar, and the industry of the Norman abbots, it recovered its magnificence, and rivalled in wealth and grandeur any abbey in the kingdom. William the Conqueror resided here some time; and in this abbey his son Henry received his education.

Of the cross, of excellent workmanship, erected in the Market-place by Henry VI. The consequence of this abbey was such, as to afford a principal support to the town, till the reign of Henry V. The "Bridge at Burford across the River Ouse" is what we now call Abingdon Bridge over the Thames or as some say 'Isis' - which occasionally is equated with 'Ouse' - though perhaps this refers to a stream which now enters the Abbey Stream just below Abingdon Weir?

Culham Bridge near Abingdon. From that circumstance the town of Abingdon acquired so much additional traffic, as to rank amongst the first towns in the county. The building these bridges, in , was under the immediate order of the King, as appears from the following Latin distich, formerly inscribed on a window, in the church of St. Helens, in this town:. Henricus Quintus, quarto fundaverat anno, Rex pontem Burford, super undas atque Culhamford. The work was considerably assisted by the donations of Jeffray Barbur, a wealthy merchant of this place who gave a thousand marks towards completing it, and making a causeway between the bridge of Culham and that of Abingdon, and in consequence the high road to London was turned through the town.

His monument, which is now in the church of St. Helens, was originally in the abbey church, whence it was removed by the inhabitants at the Dissolution. The following lines, selected from a quaint translation of some Latin verses, mentioned by Ashmole, may tend to give a general idea of the state of bridge building in the time of Henry V. Between these two places, but from Abingdon most, The King's highways now may be easily past; In one thousand four hundred and ten more by six, This so pious work did his Majesty fix: Ye passengers now who shall travel this way, Be sure that you mind for the founder to pray.

King Henry the Fifte, in his fourth yere, He hath y found for his folke a bridge in Berkeschure, For cartis with cariage may goo and come clere, That many wynters afore were marred in thc myre, And som oute of her sadels flette to the grounde. Went forthe in the water wist no man whare, Five wekys after, or, they were y founde, Her kyn and her knowlech caught hem up with care. The peple preved her power with the pecoyse. The mattok was mann handeled right wellea whyle; With spades and schovells they made such a noyse. In January of the same year, he was advanced Earl of Buckingham, and sworn here of his Majesty's privy-council, as if a favourite was not so before; the March ensuing, he attended the King into Scotland, and was likewise sworn a counsellor in that kingdom, where as I have been instructed by unpassionate men he did carry himself with singular sweetness and temper, which I held very credible, for it behoved him, being new in favour, and succeeding one of their own, to study a moderate stile amongst those generous spirits.

About New-year's-tide, after his return from thence for those beginnings of years were very propitious unto him, as if Kings did choose remarkable days to inaugurate their favours, that they may appear acts as well of the times, as of the will he was created Marquis of Buckingham, and made lord admiral of England, chief justice in Eyre of all the parks and forests on the south-side of Trent, master of the King's Bench office none of the unprofitablest places , head steward of Westminster, and constable of Windsor castle. Here I must breathe a while, to satisfy some that, perhaps, might otherwise wonder at such an accumulation of benefits, like a kind of embroidering, or listing of one favour upon another.

Certainly the hearts of great princes, if they be considered, as it were, in abstract, without the necessity of states and circumstances of time, being betides their natural extent; moreover, once opened and dilated with affection, can take no full and proportionate pleasure in the exercise of any narrow bounty. And, altho' at first they give only upon choice and love of the person, yet, within a while, themselves likewise begin to love their givings, and to foment their deeds, no less than parents do their children; but let us go on. For these offices and dignities already rehearsed, and these of ithe like nature, which I shall after set down in their place, were, as I am ready to say, but the facings or fringes of his greatness, in comparison of that trust, which his last most gracious master did cast upon him, in the one and twentieth year of his reign, when he made him the chief concomitant of his heir apparent, and only son, our dear sovereign : Now being in a journey of much adventure, and.

Now, because the whole kingdom stood in a zealous trepidation of the absence of such a prince, I have been the more desirous to research, with some diligence, the several passages of the said journey, and the particular accidents of any moment in their way. They began their motion in the year , on Tuesday, the eighteenth of February, from the Marquis's house of late purchase, at Newhall in Essex; setting out with disguised beards, and with borrowed names of Thomas and John Smith; and then attended with none, but Sir Richard Graham, master of the horse to the Marquis, and of inward trust about him. When they passed the river against Gravesend, for lack of silver they were fain to give the ferry-man a piece of two and twenty shillings, which struck the poor fellow into such a melting tenderness, that so good gentlemen should be going, for so he suspected, about some quarrel beyond sea, as he could not forbear to acquaint the officers of the town, with what had befallen him, who sent presently post for their stay at Rochester, through which they were passed before any intelligence could arrive.

On the brow of the hill beyond that city, they were somewhat perplexed, by espying the French ambassador, with the King's coach and others attending him; which made them baulk the beaten road, and teach post-hacknies to leap hedges. At Canterbury, whether some voice, as it should seem, was run on before, the Mayor of the town came himself to seize on them, as they were taking fresh horses, in a blunt manner, alledging first a warrant to stop them from the council, next from Sir Lewis Lewkner, master of the ceremonies, and lastly, from Sir Henry Manwaring, then lieutenant of Dover castle.

At all which confused fiction, the Marquis had no leisure to laugh, but thought best to dismark his beard, and so told him, that he was going covertly with, such slight company, to take a secret view being admiral of the forwardness of his Majesty's fleet, which was then in preparation on the narrow seas: This, with much a-do, did somewhat handsomely heal the disguisement.

On the way afterwards, the baggage postboy, who had been at court, got, I know not how, a glimmering who they were; but his mouth was easily shut. To Dover, through bad horses, and those pretty impediments, they came not before six at night; where they found Sir Francis Cottington, then secretary to the prince, now Baron of Hanwart, aad Mr. Endimion Porter, who had been sent before, to provide a vessel for their transportation. The foresaid Knight was enjoined, for the nearness of his place, on the prince's affairs, and for his long residence in the court of Spain, where he had gotten singular credit, even with that cautious nation, by the temper of his carriage.

Porter was taken in, not only as a bed-chamber servant of confidence to his highness, but likewise as a necessary and useful instrument for his natural skill in the Spanish tougue. And these five were, at the first, the whole parade of this journey. And this I suppose, next the assurance of their own well resolved carriage, against any new accident, to have been their best anchor, in all such incounters. At Paris the prince spent one whole day, to grve his mind some contentment, in viewing of a famous city and court, which was a neighbour to his future estates; but for the better veiling of their visages, his highness, and the marquiss, bought each of them a perriwig, somewhat to overshadow their foreheads.

Of the King they had got sight , after dinner, in a gallery where he was solacing himself with familiar pleasures. And of the queen's mother, as she was at her own table; in neither place descried, no not by Mons. Cadinet, who saw them in both, one that hath been lately ambassador in England. Towards evening, by a mere chance, in appearance, though underlined with a providence, they had a full sight of the Queen Infanta, and of the Princess Henrietta Maria, with Bother great ladies, at the practice of a masquing dance, which Whs then in preparation ; having over-heard two gentlemen, who were tending towards that sight, after whom they pressed, and were let in by the Duke de Mont Bason, the Queen's lord chamberlain, out of humanity to strangers, when divers of the French went by.

Npte tere, even with a point of a diamond, by whatobliquesteps and imaginable preparatives, the high disposer of princes affections sometimes contrives the secrets of his will; for by this casual curiosity it fell out, that when afterwards the marriage came in motion, between our sovereign lord and the aforesaid most amiable princess, it must needs be, howsoever unknown, no small spur to the treaty, that she hath not before been altogether a stranger to his eye. From the next day, when they departed at three o'clock in the morning, from Paris, being the twenty-third of February, were spent six days to Bayonne, the last town of France, having before, at Bourdeaux, bought them five riding-coats, all of one colour and fashion in a kind of noble simplicity, where Sir Francis Cottington was employed, in a fair manner, to keep them from being entertained by the Duke de Espernon, telling him they were gentlemen of mean degree, and formed yet to little courtship, who, perchance, might otherwise, being himself no superficial man in the practices of the world, have pierced somewhat deeper than their outside.

They were now entered into the deep time of Lent, and could get no flesh in their inns. Whereupon fell out a pleasant passage, if I may insert it by the way among more serious: There was near Bayonne a herd of goats with their young ones, upon which sight, he said Sir Richard Graham tells the Marquis, he would snap one of the kids, and make some shift to carry him close to their lodging ; which the prince over-hearing, Why, Richard, says he, do you think you may practise here your old tricks again upon the borders? Upon which words they first gave the goat-herd gdod contentment; and then while the marquis and his servant, being both on foot, were chacing the kid about the stack, the prince from horseback killed him in the head, with a Scottish pistol; let this serve for a journal parenthesis, which yet may shew how his highness, even in such slight and sportful damage, had a noble sense of just dealing.

At Bayonne, the Count de Gramont, governor of that jealous Kay, took an exquisite notice of their persons and behaviour, and opened himself to some of his train, that he thought them to be gentlemen of much more worth, than their habits bewrayed, yet he let them courteously pass. And, four days after, they arrived at Madrid, being Wednesday, the fifth of March. Thus have I briefly run over transcursions, as if my pen had been posting with them; which-done, I shall not need to relate the affluence of our nobles and others from hence into Spain, after the voice of our prince's being there had been quickly noised, and at length believed; neither wiil I stay to consider the arts of Rome, where now all engines were whetted, though by the divine blessing very vainly, when they had gotten a prince of Great Britain, upon Catholick ground, as they use to call it.

This, and the whole matter of negotiation there, the open entertainments, the secret working, the apprehensions on both sides, the appearence on neither; and, in sum, all the circumstances and respect of religion and state, intermixed together in that commixture, will better become a royal history, or a council-table, than a single life. Yet I cannot omit some things which intervened, at the meeting of two Pleiades, methinks, not unlike that, which astrologers call, a conjunction of planets, of no very benign aspect, the one to the other; I mean the Marquis of Buckingham, and the Conde d'Olivers: They had some sharper, and some milder differences, which might easily happen, in such an intervention of grandees; both vehement on the parts which they swayed.

But the most remarkable was upon a supposition of the Condee's, as fancies are cheap, that the marquis had intimated unto her some hopes of the prince's conversion ; which coming into debate, the marquis so roundly disavowed this gilded dream, as Olivers alledged he had given him la Mentida, and thereupon forms a compliment to the prince himself; which Buckingham denying, and ye Olivers persisting in the said compliment, the marquis, though now in strange hands, yet seeing both his honour and the truth at stake, was not tender likewise to engage his life, but replied with some heat, that the Condee's asseveration, would force him to do that which he had not done before, for now he held himself tied, in terms of a gentleman, to maintain the contrary to his affirmative, in any sort whatsoever.

This was the highest and the harshest point that occurred between them; which that it went so far, was not the Duke's fault, nor his fault, neither, as it should seem, that it went no farther. There was another memorable passage one day of gentler quality, and yet eager enough: The Conde d'Olivers tells the marquis of a certain flying noise, that the prince did plot to be secretly gone. To which the marquis gave a well-tempered answer: That, though love had made his highness steal out of his own country, yet fear would never make him run out of Spain, in other manner than should become a prince of his royal and generous virtues. In Spain they staid near eight intire months; during all which time, who but Buckingham lay at home under millions of maledictions?

Which yet, at the prince's safe arrival in the west, did die and vanish here and there into praises and eulogies, according to the contrary motion of popular waves. And now, to sum up the fruit of the journey, discourses ran thus among the clearest observers: It was said, that the prince himself, without any imaginable stain of his religion, had, by the sight of foreign courts, and observations of the different natures of people, and rules of government, much excited and awaked his spirit, and corroborated his judgment. And, as for the marquis, there was notice taken of two great additions which he had gained: First, he was returned with increase of title, having there been made Duke, by patent sent him, which was the highest degree whereof an English subject could be capable.

But the other was far greater, though closer; for, by so long, and so private, and so various consociation with a prince of such excellent nature, he had now gotten, as it were, two lives in his own fortune and greatness, whereas, otherwise, the state of a favourite is at the best but a tenant at will, and rarely transmitted. But, concerning the Spanish commission, which in publick conceit was the main scope of the journey, that was left in great suspense, and, after some time, utterly laid aside; which threw the Duke amongst free wits whereof we have a rank soil under divers censures.

Fire gives warmth. For a Christian to be cold is sin. This baptism gives cleansing by warmth. Fire purifies. The Spirit produces holiness in heart and character. All other cleansing is superficial. The alternative for every man is to be baptized in fire or to be consumed by it. The nature of the promised baptism. The baptism of the spirit includes all other blessings Luke , with Matthew The plenitude of the promise. A baptism, repletion, falness, etc. Like torrents of rain poured on the thirsty earth Ezekiel ; Joel ; Hosea ; Malachi On the day of Pentecost there was the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

What abundant communications of Divine influence we should expect! In our time-now. The low and languid piety of many. The comparatively small success of the various agencies for the conversion of sinners. Church agencies can only be spiritually useful as they are charged with Divine force. Have you received this baptism? It was only a symbol. Though Christ never baptized with His own hands, yet it is He who baptizeth when His authorized ministers baptize.

Theirs are the hands, but His the grace. Like Elijah, they pour the water on the sacrifice, but He gives the fire. It refers to Pentecost, cloven tongues. It is important to realize the double aspects in the gifts of God. The Holy Ghost would be in every heart a Spirit of fire-fire for death or life, to purify or to destroy. It purifies. It tests. Our duty in life is to cherish and obey this awful fiery Spirit. To burn in the spirit, to have a glowing zeal for God. The spark is blown into a flame by prayer. Moberly, D. The character and dignity of the person who baptizes.

Not a mere man-the Son of God. He dispenses this blessing as the fruit of His mediation. The persons who may partake of this baptism Luke On what tenets, or in what way they may have it conferred. Repentance towards God. Faith in Christ. To all, sooner or later, Christ comes to baptize them with fire. But do not think that the baptism of fire comes once for all to a man in some terrible affliction, some one awful conviction of his own sinfulness and nothingness.

No; with many-and those, perhaps, the best people-it goes on month after month, and year after year. By secret trials, chastenings which none but they and God can understand, the Lord is cleansing them from their secret faults, and making them to understand wisdom secretly; burning out of them the chaff of self-will and self-conceit and vanity, and leaving only the pure gold of righteousness. Charles Kingsley. The manner in which the Holy Spirit enters the heart resembles the manner in which fire is kindled. This manner is not always uniform. Sometimes a spark lies smothered for a while, and only after a long interval bursts out and begins to burn. So with the Holy Spirit. The spark may have reached the heart, and may remain theres hut the deceitfulness of worldly cares or pleasures, or the remains of unsubdued sin, stifle it, till at length some providential circumstance occurs which fans the spark into a flame.

Another effect of fire is, to communicate its warmth to all that come within its reach. And such is also, the effect of the Holy Spirit upon the soul. The heart of man is by nature cold-cold towards God, and cold towards his fellow-creatures. Not so the man whose heart has been touched by the Holy Spirit. I shall only carry this comparison one step further. We all understand the effect of fire in restoring comfort to the body.

We approach closer to it when we have been made uneasy through the chilling influence of cold, and the genial feelings of health and warmth revive within us. So, likewise, the Holy Spirit cheers the heart and re-animates the languid feelings; gives new life to the zeal and piety, which, without it, would sicken and decay. Sumner, M. But there is also a fire that, like the genial heat in some greenhouse, makes even the barren tree glow with blossom, and bends its branches with precious fruit. Did you ever see a blast-furnace? How long would it take a man, think you, with hammer and chisel, or by chemical means, to get the bits of ore out from the stony matrix?

But fling them into the great cylinder, and pile the fire, and let the strong draught roar through the burning mass, and by evening you can run off a glowing stream of pure and fluid metal, from which all the dross and rubbish is parted, which has been charmed out of all its sullen hardness, and will take the shape of any mould into which you like to run it. The fire has conquered, has melted, has purified. So with us. Nothing else will. Moralities and the externals of religion will wash away the foulness which lies on the surface, but stains that have sunk deep into the very substance of the soul, and have dyed every thread in warp and woof to its centre, are not to be got rid of so. They are both sudden. Whitefield was once preaching on Blackheath, and a man and his wife coming from market saw the crowd, and went up to hear.

He is talking about something that took place more than eighteen hundred years ago. The truth of God came to their hearts. They were both irresistible. Notwithstanding all our boasted machinery and organization for putting out fires, the efforts that were made did not repulse the flames last December one single instant. There was a great sound of fire-trumpets, and brave men walking on hot walls; but the flames were baulked not an instant. So it has been with the Holy Spirit moving through the hearts of this people. There have been men here who have sworn that the religion of Jesus Christ should never come into their households; they and their children kneel now at the same altar.

They are both consuming. Did you ever see any more thorough work than was done by that fire last December? The strongest beams turned to ashes. The iron cracked, curled up, destroyed. So the Holy Ghost has been a consuming fire amid the sins and habits of those who despise God. They were both melting. If you examined the bars, and bolts, and plumbing work of the Tabernacle, after it went down, you know it was a melting process. The things that seemed to have no relation to each other adjoined-flowed together. So it has been with the Spirit of God, melting down all asperities and unbrotherliness. Heart has flowed out towards heart. If God baptized us with fire, it is because He means to fit us for hot and, tremendous work.

Humanity yields its twofold crop, its wheat and chaff, and keeps its terrible capacity of mixing chaff and wheat together, making them look alike. Something, then, is watered to lift the cover, to unveil the reality, to expose the things that we do and the persons that we are. Otherwise the world, cheated by the delusion, would go from bad to worse, and be deluded to destruction. Christ prepares the way for His own great reckoning to come, by setting foreshadows of His sifting work around us where we are. Life itself moves on with the fan in its hand. So into this medley where you live there springs suddenly some new-comer. It is a providence of God. A contagious disease escapes quarantine and breaks out in the town. There is a wreck on a reef off the shore.

On a Western river great waterfloods sweep away scores of houses and lives. A hundred human bodies are crushed and burned in a mass in some building. You are not hurt; but as the report strikes man after man in the neighbourhood, if you could look underneath the masks which some people from pride or policy keep over their real selves, would you not see always two sorts of men revealed? In one there is apathy, and in another there is sympathy. Here are the two sorts of men disclosed. Before, you could not have told which was which; all looked alike; but in the threshing-floor of God the winnowing has begun.

One family that you know, overtaken by misfortune, is paralysed or embittered, and goes down. Another, struck by the same blow, summons its interior strength, is sweet-tempered, hopeful, and courageous, and as it descends in style rises in spiritual stature. The season why prosperity seems to enlarge some persons and belittle others is not so much that it actually alters their dimensions as that it publishes what their dimensions are.

It is a shaking of the fan. Now and then a sharp question of right or wrong is thrust in upon a whole community in palpable shape-a question of public justice or oppression, of fair dealing between capital and labour, of chastity in literature or decency in art, of commercial honour, temperance in drinking, political integrity. Everybody must take sides, openly in act or virtually in secret choice or feeling. This new truth has the fan in its hand. It sifts your gay society, getting souls in position for their judgment. At certain historical epochs great characters arrive. They utter one of these great truths, and stand out or fight for it.

They are not judges of men, but sifters of men. Every one of them has a fan in the hand. There is no privacy for character in the universe. The righteousness of God has arranged it that we shall live surrounded by a system of detectives and exposures, and all the uniforms and costumes and cosmetics and masks and escapes of that public stage, society, will not baffle them. This life is the beginning, though not the end, of judgment. It is inwrought benignantly into the silent and steady operation of the truth. Truth itself is a dividing power. To me it establishes faith, and makes the awful doctrine of retribution reasonable, to see the law wrought into the whole fabric of Nature around us and the very constitution of man.

Even in the orchards and gardens there is a visible economy of discrimination, of rejection, of judgment. Bad fruit drops off and is cast away by the same hand that gathers and garners the good. Bishop Huntingdon. In the Christian Church there is a mixture of nominal and real Christians. Parable of the Tares. Of the Wedding Garment. Ananias and Sapphira. The false are the careless or indifferent. The self-righteous or sentimental; the hollow-hearted or hypocritical.

The true are penitents, believers, new creatures. The Head of the Church knows the true character of all its members. Seven churches of Asia. The Head of the Church will separate the precious from the vile. By His doctrine-providential dealings-Satanic temptations-fire of persecution. The final doom of all the mem-bets of the Church will correspond to their character. The wheat to the garner, The chaff to the fire. The Two great classes into which the world is divided. Two only. In the eyes of men many. Either believers or unbelievers. No third class. By the wheat is evidently intended those whose characters are useful; by the chaff those who are worthless.

Wheat is valuable because it answers the purpose of the cultivator, which is to produce food for himself and others; so those persons are useful who answer the ends for which God has placed them here. God has placed us here to glorify Him From this description of the wheat we may easily infer the character of those who resemble the chaff. If those are the wheat who exercise suitable dispositions towards God, those are the chaff who are without such dispositions. If those are the wheat who are seeking the perfection of their nature, then those are the chaff who neglect to seek it. If those are the wheat who labour for the temporal and spiritual welfare of their fellow-creatures, those are the chaff who live chiefly to please themselves.

If those are the wheat who glorify God by believing in Christ, then those are the chaff who remain in unbelief. Good and evil are really different in kind, absolutely and intrinsically, essentially and in the nature of things:. By the free choice of will, and the practice consequent upon such a choice, real virtue or vice can be acquired. Every man is as to his moral character what his own behaviour and practice make him. By as certain and determinate a distinction as wheat and chaff are, of their real and proper natures, different from each other. God in all His commandments really desires to bring men by the habitual practice of virtue to a state by which they can become capable of His eternal happiness in the enjoyment of His unchangeable favour.

Therefore the good must be separated from the evil surely and thoroughly, if we would win salvation. Samuel Clarke, D. And let me remind you how like the chaff is to the wheat, how like the mere professor is to the saint. Of what colour is the chaff? Precisely the same as that of the wheat. And what is its form? Exactly that of the wheat. And where is it found? Not blowing about the highway, but in close contact with the wheat. It is upon us that this sifting trial is to pass; and it matters not how perfect may be our resemblance to the saints, if there be a resemblance and nothing more. I have seen a field here, and a field there, stand thick with corn-a hedge or two has separated them.

At the proper season the reapers entered; soon the earth was disburdened, and the grain was conveyed to its destined resting-place, where, blended together in the barn or the stack, it could not be known that a hedge had ever separated this corn from that. Thus it is with the Church. Here it grows, as it were, in different fields, and even, maybe, by different hedges. Men were at this time being baptized and confessing their sins. People were expecting the Christ John Let man be diminished, but let God arise. The truth is revealed that the servant may not rob the Master of His honour. This adverb of time points to the age of Christ.

Mature age. He taught the need of well-seasoned timber to make pillars for the Church of God. As Christ attained perfect age in nature, His servants should be perfect in grace and glory. Upon what ground did John begin this new ceremony: It betokened the end of the old ceremonies. Superstitions turned into a blessing. Heathen used washings. Turned into an immortal laver. It was the baptism of repentance. It did not lack grace.

John baptized in the name of the Messiah. Christ bade His disciples use another form. They differ in extent-John baptized in the regions of Judaea, Christ bade His disciples to except none. Faith is nothing else but a long-continued astonishment, which knows not how to utter itself, because the Lord hath done such marvellous things for us. What so Divine an instigation to press us all to come unto the flood of living waters, to thirst for that immortal spring of grace than this, that the Son of God Himself did not decline to be partaker of the baptism of repentance. To make the sacrament virtuous and powerful for them that should take it after Him. That by His example, to undergo a new rite and ordinance, men might be drawn from old customs to newness of life.

As Caesar did not lessen his own dignity, because he would both command as General, and yet work in the trenches like the meanest pioneer, Dux confilio, miles exemplo; and as Helen, the mother of Constantine, was not under the honour of a princess, because she would dress the blains and ulcers of poor cripples in the hospital; so the mighty Son of God was not diminished in His glory, because He put Himself into the rank of abject ones by His own yielding and accord, not by compulsive necessity.

We should sincerely feel the want of a divine redeemer. We should admire the grandeur and majesty with which jesus was encompassed. From the Danish of Dr. We can only allude to meanings which have been discovered in it; all of them, it may be, parts of its largest import. Christ was ceremonially unclean, as representing sinners. Bernard sees in the baptism the exhibition of perfect humility; and Meyer, of perfect obedience. Still others look upon the baptism as an inaugural announcement, a formal identification, of His Person as the Messiah-an inauguration of His Messianic ministry. It is important to notice certain respects in which the baptism was unlike that of the people. It was at the close of the day. He waited until all the penitents of that day had been baptized; in this, as in all else involving sin, separate from sinners.

John did not treat Christ as a sinner. In the place of confession was a prayer. The privilege of believers here confirmed in the person of Jesus Christ. Close, M. There may be mines of precious wealth, of minerals, gold, silver, jewels, in a domain only partially known; so with this doctrine. God the Father planned the way of redemption. God the Son willingly came to accomplish our salvation. And God the Spirit guides us into all truth. How great the condescension of Jehovah thus to reveal the nature and perfections of mercy. Angley, M. Jesus humbly waits upon the Baptist.

The fortitude with which to meet publicity. The Saviour meekly persists in His obedient resolution. How lovely this conflict of humility! The proclamation of the Father closed the scene of wonders. Bennett, D. The Spirit of Christ is a dove-like Spirit. The dove was the fowl offered in sacrifice; so Christ offered Himself without spot unto God. Expresses the affection the Father hath to Him. The heavens are never shut while either of the sacraments is duly administered and received; neither do the heavens ever thus open without the descent of the Holy Ghost.

Bishop Hall. What is witnessed of Him in respect of our consolation, we the beloved in Him. As the Father sent His voice from heaven to earth, let our lips be full of prayers, that we may send our voice from earth to heaven. Plug in, Turn on and Be En light ened! Not Yet a Member? Click to Sign Up Now! Search Tools. Click here to learn more! Matthew 2. Matthew 4. Printer-friendly version Overview Copyright Bibliography. Other Authors. Verse 1 Matthew John the Baptist. The special mission of the Baptist. He wag the herald of the Messiah. His character corresponded with his office-stern.

Instead, they Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey in many ways, including Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey rebellion, as the Personal Narrative Essay: Playing On The Big Hill three documents reveal. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. I felt my face flush, and channel 4 raspberry ketone free trial thanked the Impediments In Mary Olivers The Journey that concealed it. For a Christian to be cold is sin.

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